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Old family collections of photos in boxes and loose images spread out on table.

 We transform old photos into easily accessible digital images. 

Preserve Your Memories, Simplify Your Life

Our focus is on preserving family history so that your story can be shared with your family and friends. So many of us have been given hard copies of old family photos, negatives or slides that just end up in boxes and put away because we don't know what else to do with them.  Some of us have photos that we want to give to our family and friends but don't know where to start. There may be a special occasion coming up where these photos can be displayed and shared. We can make it easier to navigate through your photos so that you can discover or rediscover moments that may have faded from memory.​

Our Services

Old family collections of photos in boxes and loose images spread out on table.
Male hands image using the Old vintage 35mm film Negative Viewer to see a frames on the su
a selection of slides that can be scanned
Old family collections of photos in boxes and loose images spread out on table.

Scanning and Digitising Photos

Say goodbye to disorganised family photo albums and hello to beautifully preserved memories with our Scanning and Digitising Photos service. 

Scanning and Digitising Negatives

Preserving your memories is important to us, and that’s why we offer scanning and digitising negatives to ensure that your memories stay alive for generations to come.

Scanning and Digitising Slides

Are you tired of storing old slides that you can't even view anymore? Let us help you bring those memories back to life with our scanning and digitising services.

Creating Photo Books

Looking for the perfect way to organise and showcase your favorite memories? Look no further than our Creating Photo Books service.


 Contact us for a consult 

 Getting started on your photo organising journey is easy, just email or call us to book in for a no obligation 15-minute call. 

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I've been wanting to sort out my growing photo collection for years and finally passed it on to Trish from Let's Get Digital- The Photo Organiser because it was just too overwhelming for me to deal with.  She scanned all of the loose and framed cherished historical family photos that have been sitting in boxes along with piles of photo albums. I now have a digital photo collection that is secure from damage and it is so easy to find photos that have been placed in files that date back as far as the early 1900s.  I recently gathered a selection from 30 years of photos of my father'n'law' as part of a visual presentation of his life for his 80th Birthday in minutes thanks to Trish.


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